by Joana Blotni

My Creativity is …
like a muscle
that wants to be trained again and again. My creativity wants to grow, expand, explore. The more work I have, the happier I am!
My creativity is not limited to one medium, but expressive creations
to the print world and the digital world.
Innovation and Inspiration all in one!
Let me inspire you!

Born in Croatia to an immigrant family from bosnia. I'm the youngest child of three siblings. After secondary school, I put my last card on the table and hoped that the Higher School of Fashion and Clothing Technology in Hallein would accept me .
It worked and by 2009 I had my matura degree for fashion design in my pocket. Then the true challenge began. A struggle to find my feet, and tried out alldifferent departments of the fashion industry passing the master craftsman’s examination for fashion, and in 2012, I became in the words of my proud father, “the 26th tailor in the family tree”.
Yet, life isn’t only about bits and bobbins. In 2015, I became more acquainted with the digital world and found the thread that connected all of my interests. I was thrilled, still am and always will be. This is how I can fully use my creativity. This is how I can combine all of my talents and fulfill my dreams! What a wonderful feeling to have finally found my destination in this exciting world! ”Graphic design” is exactly where I should be.
In 2022 I added another are of knowledge to my ever - changing life. Motherhood allowed me to slip into a new role and from now on, two small feet accompany me every step of my life. I am a mother by heart, but - as you already know - my heart also beats for my career. During my maternity leave, I not only fed my little one, but also my own hunger. I learned even more about this exciting digital world and became a social media manager. With my life partner I master my career and help us in our work-life balace.
Now you, too, can benefit from
my knowledge !